Tuesday, June 17, 2008


It's Tuesday, I like Tuesday, makes the week go by faster when it's Tuesday...
I had a good day, I am in a good mood...unlike yesterday, I was feeling a little depressed, I stayed home yesterday........and did some things around the house..

But today, I had to go to work..... I am looking forward in two weeks when I can take some Vacation Time!!! June 30 to July 4th... My in law's are taking their vacation that time, so they will not be able to watch their grandson....Nicky!!

Speaking of Nicky, he went to the Boise Zoo with a friend of ours.. He had fun!!

It's getting warm outside, it's up in the 80's this week... Time for the Swamp Cooler to be on day and all the night..

Got to go and mow this yard... It doesn't want to get cut by itself.... I wonder if we have any gas for it...??

Anyone want to come over for a BBQ???

have a great Tuesday!!!

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