Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29, 2008 Horoscope

Cancer (6/22-7/22)
You need to take care of issues around your home right now, so try to put your household on the top or your priority list. Whether it's minor repairs, major renovations or just some rearranging of the furniture, putting physical energy into your intimate surrounding will energize you and fill you with a sense of pride that you haven't felt in quite a while. Get Creative in your tasks, too ---and ask a friend to help you out if the job is too big for just one person.

Well, I went to visit my girlfriend today around 1pm, we chatted for a half hour on her lunch, it was good to see her.. She gave me clothes that her son grew out of.. She gave them to Nicky...
I wanted to rearrange the Living Room again.......and vacuum everything... I was driving home and said to myself that I need to do this task today, but when I got home I talked myself out of it, then when I looked on the I seen this............and guess what I did it. And I didn't have to ask for help..

I am not a type of person to ask for help, I usually do it myself. I hate asking for help because no one is there to help me out! But when a friend asks me for help I am there.. No Questions asked!

For instance, I texted a friend of mine that I needed help with the housework, She asked what kind of help to you need? I didn't text her back.. I did it myself..

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