Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey..two weeks later..

well, i got my tooth pulled on that day that i last blogged.. The next day was Mark's 40th birthday.. He was working and he pulled a pallet jack on top of his left big toe.. OUCH!!! Some how I had a feeling to call him.. so I called him then he told me the news. So i waited for Nicky to come home from school and went to see him. Everyone down there helped him out.. Mark finally locked up and headed to Primary Health at 4pm..

Mark got a x ray of his toe.. he broke the very tip of it. And he will be losing his big toe nail.. as of today, it's still on his toe. Now it's turning black on the tip of the nail.. He returned back to work last monday.. He isn't doing much at work..

Last Monday I was making coffee for a client of mine and spilled hot coffee on my right hand.. It was in pain for two hours.. Now it's a little bit red.. I think I might be losing some skin in a few days.
Last Friday Night Nicky and I went to pick up some hamburgers at a local Hamburger joint. I was carrying the drinks to the car.. I opened the door and gave the drinks to Nicky.. I got in and put my left hand on the top to adjust myself in the seat and the car door slammed on it.. Nothing broken.. just scared me and yes I did cry when it happened..

So hopefully this week I will not have any accidents.. Tomorrow I get to stay home and I have some to do things I would love to get done.. But if I know myself, I will on the computer most of the day.. I do have to do some training online.. that I need to get done by friday..

I got a email today from my work and it was sad news. One of the men that work in the office suddenly passed away today.. He was only 40 years old. I work with him last year.. He did called me last Wednesday for a early client but I was still in bed sleeping when he called..And I called the office and he answerered the phone to help me.. He is a very nice guy.. And might I add he was a nice looking.. He will be missed. Rest in Peace Jason!!

So that is about it.. sorry about not blogging.. just get caught up with other things.. I love reading blogs..

Have a great week and if I don't tell you.. Happy Halloween..


~C~ said...

ouch! I hope you have an accident free week! :) Happy Haloweenie to you! xo

Unknown said...

sounds like you just need to lock yourself in your room for about a week or so! lol