Sunday, April 20, 2008

yucky Sunday..

First of all, I didn't sleep very well, after going to bed around 2 or 3 am. Stayed up and watched "Boys Don't Cry". then I feel asleep. Got up around 11am. Still sleepy, hubby was getting ready to go get his "100 oz refill" refilled. So he asked me to go, but I didn't want to at first, then I asked him if he was hungry.. So I hopped in the 1966 while GMC truck and off we went.. We stopped at Shell for his refill and I got two mountain dews. Then we decided to go to Jack in the Box. Now this truck is my age.. the blinkers don't work.. eeeek..
then when we were turning on to a one way street, the guy next to us decided to go into our lane. Hubby laid on the air horn which wasn't very loud, one push is all you get. We made it home ok..with food.. Then I took a nap for two hours, got up and stayed into the bathroom for a hour.. I won't go into details, but you know..
Nicky spent the day with his grandparents, he came home with two pairs of pants, two shirts and a new pair of shoes!
I am feeling a little bit better.. I ate some toast and jelly.. Now it's time to lay back down for a night's rest.. (I hope)..
More tomorrow!!

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