Sunday, January 25, 2009

yeah, its Sunday..

Ok Christine, I don't know if you will like Saw 5, its kind of like the other Saw movies.......... I watched the first part of it then went to sleep, had hubby's friend over and I didn't like him much....(different story) and I got tired and fell asleep.. but what I did see of it it was good..

Ok............ Does anyone have a Myspace Site?? I am addicted to the GREEN SPOT application............I need more Team Members.. which means friends I think on it. so please add me here MYSPACE then go to applications and get the Green Spot. Green Spot is a garden that you make up.. Get money for feeding a dog a bone, raking up leaves, pulling weeds, watering the garden and feeding a carrot to a bunny. You make up your garden it's pretty simple.. by getting extra Green Dollars is to view other gardens and watch out for Treasure Chests they give you gifts......... then you do what is above to get more money..
It's fun and I invite all of you to join me.. OHHH my Profile is set on Private so If you like to be friends, just click on ADD and I will add you as a friend, please let me know where you found me, so I know YOU..

Just relaxing at home today, got up at 6am ish this morning and hopped on the computer for a while, ran a load of dishes and then watched my Soap, then fell asleep in Mark's Chair, then got up and went back to bed for four hours...LOL !
Now I am washing laundry and going to file the house bills somewhere.. Mark is playing his XBOX it's quiet here..

Ok don't forget to add me to Myspace.. And don't forget to get the Green Spot Application. It's fun......... I need more Team Members!!! LOL

Ok talk to you later!!!

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